Peter Shoop

Peter Shoop was a farmer who owned no property till after the civil war. Both wife Nancy and daughter Susanah Elizabeth were illiterate.

I am not sure as to what exactly Peter Shoop Sr.’s correct birth year is. I have 1811 but it may well be 1801. According to what census one uses both would be correct and 1811 is closer to Nancy’s age. The tombstone from what I have seen in person and from the scan that Lois sent me, is really hard to read.

In the 1850 census Peter Shoop and family are in Huston Twp. Blair County. I took some entries from the 1860 census and tried to pin point his location with a map I have from Bedford in 1860. I am almost certain that the family was then living just south of what today is named Queen in Kimmel Township in Bedford County. The 1870 census lists Peter Sr. and William as living next to one another. A map I have from around that time shows them living on what is today SR4030. This is about 2 miles from where the Shoop graves are. It is my interpretation of what info I have that when the 1860 census was taken the family rented a farm in the Queen area. Peter Jr. married into a family that lived close by Pleasentville in 1861. Peter’s father-in-law , Samuel Clark, was involved with a church ( Methodist) in the Lovely area. William and Ellen Shoop married Mocks; David and Rebecca married Corl’s. I am pretty sure that William’s and Ellen’s Mocks were brother and sister. Catherine also married a Mock but I can’t fit him in anywhere as yet. Not sure if David and Rebecca’s spouses were related. Besides showing possible relationships, this means to me that by 1861 or so the family had moved to near the border of St. Clair and Union Twps.

~ Neil Hate

Personal Information

Peter Shoop
Name Peter Shoop
Birth 11/22/1801
DeathON 04/14/1881 in Mt Union Cemetery, Lovely, PA
WifeNancy Shoop (Hinkle)
Comment Count3
Bio NotesBirth dates are listed as 1800 and 1801


Name Birth Death
Mary Shoopasdasds 1846BEF 1860
Ellen Shoopasdasds 12/16/1854ABT 04/041872
Rebecca Shoopasdasds 02/17/1853 in Lincoln Township, Bedford, PenON 01/27/1921
Rachel Shoopasdasds 1847Deceased
Susanah Shoopasdasds 01/26/1834Deceased
Catherine Shoopasdasds 08/11/1823ON 05/29/1866
David Shoopasdasds 11/00/1842ABT 1903
Peter Shoopasdasds 04/02/1841ON 10/26/1869
Nancy Shoopasdasds 1839Deceased
William Shoopasdasds 02/27/1837ON 10/07/1895


Name Birth Death
Samuel Mockasdasds 03/15/1844 in Bedford, PAON 02/05/1923
Thomas Corleasdasds 1849Deceased
Alexander Corleasdasds 02/03/1846ABT 1922
William Mockasdasds 1834 in Bedford, PAON 05/22/1864
Elizabeth Corleasdasds 01/07/1843Deceased
Julia Clarkasdasds 09/30/1837ON 01/10/1925
Michael Castlemanasdasds   
Elizabeth Mockasdasds  ABT 1920


Name Birth Death
Grace Corleasdasds 1874Deceased
Margaret Corleasdasds 1869Deceased
Clay Corleasdasds 1887Deceased
Nancy Mockasdasds 12/19/1854Deceased
Winfield Mockasdasds 06/19/1852 in Bedford, PADeceased
Mary Mockasdasds 06/29/1850 in Bedford, PAABT 1945
Susannah Mockasdasds  ON 10/10/1890
Sewell Corleasdasds 1892Deceased
Tracey Corleasdasds 1889Deceased
David Corleasdasds 1887Deceased
Lawrence Corleasdasds 1885Deceased
Carrie Corleasdasds 1883Deceased
Oliver Corleasdasds 1881Deceased
Emma Corleasdasds 1879Deceased
Effie Corleasdasds 08/24/1876 in Alum Bank, PAON 03/12/1957
Sarah Mockasdasds 1865ABT 1865
Quincy Shoopasdasds 1870Deceased
Henry Shoopasdasds 09/16/1872Deceased
William Shoopasdasds 11/11/1870Deceased
James Shoopasdasds 09/00/1869Deceased
Alice Shoopasdasds 10/17/1868Deceased
Scott Shoopasdasds 09/28/1866Deceased
Daniel Shoopasdasds 02/00/1870ABT 1932
Ardella Shoopasdasds 12/30/1864ABT 00/03/1946
Mary Shoopasdasds 09/12/1862ON 11/16/1947
Maud Shoopasdasds 00/02/1894Deceased
John Shoopasdasds 11/18/1889Deceased
James Shoopasdasds 12/27/1887Deceased
Rosie Shoopasdasds 00/07/1885Deceased
Joseph Shoopasdasds 04/02/1883Deceased
William Shoopasdasds 08/12/1881Deceased
Sarah Shoopasdasds 1879Deceased
Ellen Shoopasdasds 1877Deceased
Elizabeth Shoopasdasds 1875Deceased
Martha Shoopasdasds 1873Deceased
Mary Shoopasdasds 1871Deceased
Susan Shoopasdasds 1868Deceased
Richard Shoopasdasds 07/01/1867ON 12/04/1945
Clarra Shoopasdasds 1866AFT 1870


Name Birth Death
Bertha Shoopasdasds 10/31/1884 in Bedford, PA 10/07/1965
Opal Corleasdasds 1909ABT 1911
James Shoopasdasds 1899Deceased
Rosa Shoopasdasds 1896Deceased
Frieda Shoopasdasds 1893Deceased
Cora Shoopasdasds 1891Deceased
Mabel Shoopasdasds 1899Deceased
Della Carrierasdasds 1894Deceased
Rozella Carrierasdasds 1891Deceased
Elizabeth Carrierasdasds 1888Deceased
Clarence Carrierasdasds 1884Deceased
Viola Shoopasdasds   
Clarke Millerasdasds 10/05/1892ON 05/15/1972
Harry Millerasdasds 00/00/1890ABT 1970
Julia Willisasdasds 
Jesse Willisasdasds 00/00/1884Deceased
Elmira Lingenfelderasdasds 1913Deceased
Verna Lingenfelderasdasds 1909Deceased
Rosa Lingenfelderasdasds 1907Deceased
Jane Lingenfelderasdasds 1905Deceased
Anna Lingenfelderasdasds 11/20/1902ON 12/01/1995
Ira Lingenfelderasdasds 1899Deceased
Roy Lingenfelderasdasds 1898Deceased
Sewell Lingenfelderasdasds 1896Deceased
Bertha Lingenfelderasdasds 1893Deceased
George Shoopasdasds 07/12/1891 in New Enterprise, PAON 04/06/1973
Charles Shoopasdasds 07/05/1889 in Bedford, PAON 08/20/1962


Name Birth Death
Mary Nofskerasdasds 10/13/1903 in Freedom Twp., Blair, PA 05/05/2003
C Smithasdasds 04/12/1902 in Freedom Twp., Blair, PADeceased
Alice Nofskerasdasds  Deceased
Robert Shoopasdasds 08/02/1929 in East Loop, Hollidaysburg, PAON 10/08/2008
Roy Shoopasdasds 09/20/1925 in East Loop, Hollidaysburg, PAON 08/22/2007
Vera Shoopasdasds 09/07/1923 in Frankstown Twp., Blair, PA 02/13/2008
Jessie Shoopasdasds 07/29/1922 in Frankstown Twp., Blair, PAON 01/07/2010
Charles Shoopasdasds 08/10/1920 in Frankstown Twp., Blair, PAON 01/05/2010
Velma Shoopasdasds 01/05/1919 in Frankstown Twp., Blair, PAON 10/27/2009
Olive Shoopasdasds 04/16/1912ABT 03/00/1982
Clyde St. Clairasdasds   
Clifford St. Clairasdasds   
Paul Millerasdasds   
Ardella Millerasdasds   
Madge Millerasdasds 1918Deceased
Doris Millerasdasds   
Howard Millerasdasds   
Ruth Millerasdasds   
John Morgartasdasds 08/28/1913ON 05/02/1983
Clair Morgartasdasds   
Dorothy Willisasdasds   
Leone Willisasdasds   
James Shoopasdasds 12/19/1935 in Woodbury PAON 09/18/2008
Dorothy ShoopasdasdsWoodbury PA 
Paul Shoopasdasds 12/30/1930 in Woodbury, PAON 08/04/1975
Blair Shoopasdasds 04/23/1928 in Woodbury, PAON 03/10/2000
George Shoopasdasds 01/30/1926 in Brooks Mills PAON 02/22/2013
Mary Shoopasdasds 07/05/1923 in Brooks Mills PAON 05/30/1976
Harry Shoopasdasds 11/05/1920 in Brooks Mills PAON 02/18/1987
Thelma Shoopasdasds 03/15/1918 in Brooks Mills PAABT 2002
Carl Shoopasdasds 09/10/1915 in Brooks Mills PAON 11/17/1987
Walter Shoopasdasds 06/09/1913 in Brooks Mills PAON 02/23/1917
Mildred Shoopasdasds 08/00/1911 in Brooks Mills PAABT 09/00/1911
James Shoopasdasds 06/29/1922 in Frankstown Township, PAON 11/05/2009

3 thoughts on “Peter Shoop

  1. Very nicely constructed website! I recently found out I was genetically related to two shoup ancestors of Peter and Nancy.

    My GGGM was Margaret Jane Shoop b ca. 1840 from the Blair/Bedford area.

    Her husband Solomon Washington Fry married her in Claysburg 1855, and they lived in Williamsburg and East Freedom twsp. in the 1860’s.

    I have no direct knowledge of Margaret’s parents, but suspect they could have been a John Shoop and Mary Graden per some death certificates of their children. John b1805-d1891 and Mary b1814-d1885 lived for quite a while in the Blair Bedford area. A Margaret appears with them in the 1850 census from the area.
    with siblings: sarah, susan, joseph, hannah, emeline, john and later a solomon.

    John could have been a brother or cousin of Peters, but I have nothing to show the relationship. The two dna links descend from the Peter line. 1) Larry Smith and 2) Hilary W (grand daughter of Bertha Mae)

    I am very interested if you know of or have done DNA testing either on Ancestry or 23andMe, that we could compare to. Larry Smith believes that the father of Peter was Friedrich Schaub.

    Look forward to hearing from you!

    1. Kevin, I realize it’s been 5 years since you posted this but I am just now reading it. I had stepped away from doing anything on this site about a year before your comment. The information you provided is really helpful – especially putting a possible name to Peter’s father. That is the first reference I have ever seen for that. I’ve done DNA at Ancestry and would love to know more about your line. Send me an email ([email protected]) if you’re still interested.

    2. since this posting, i have verified margaret jane shoops parents as john shoop b.1805- d1891. and Mary Graden d 1885. they are both buried in holsinger cemetery on bakers summit.
      according to census’, they lived 1850 greenfield, blair, 1860 the same, 1870 middle woodbury bedford, 1880 bloomfield bedford. no doubt they were closely related to peter shoop Sr.

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