Well we stayed at 41st Street till the owner sold the house. Then we had to look for another place, and the war being on, houses were hard to find and what was empty they wouldn’t take children and we had four home yet. Mary had gone to Texas to her former boyfriend from Woodbury and got married. Well even the man that sold that house helped to find a place for us to move to. Well George seen an empty house and he asked next door about it and told her about us. Well, God bless her, she said she would move in with her sister and we could move in her house on Cimmeron Street, partly furnished, and we could store the rest of our furniture in the garage. While we lived there George Jr. enlisted in the Navy for he was 18 in January, then he went to camp. That summer Mary came back home in September. Her son Sam was born. We lived there till the next spring when the Dr. told George he would have to take a rest. He had been working hard at the railroad shops. Well, we decided to go back to Woodbury.

After we were there awhile and George got rested he went to Altoona railroad shops and they hired him. Mary had gone back to Texas to Bob, but now he was being sent overseas so we had to get her and Sammy on our way to Pa. That was the days we had to have gas ration stamps. We got as far as Washington, Pa. There our gas stamps got all wet. It was raining. We got there just before closing time but Mary and her Daddy went to the ration board and the men there was very nice and gave them more than we needed to get to Woodbury.

Jim, Paul